Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fit Check-ups and what changes your fit

We worked with thousands of cyclists on fit over the years and we stay in communication with a number of other very well respected fit specialists throughout the country. Our goal being to stay at the forefront of our field and share information with each other. This way we're all better fitters as a whole. Among the many topics discussed is the fact that because we are dynamic, changing beings, our fit changes.

It's fair to say that everyone can benefit from a professional accurate bike fitting and that a single fitting is better than no fitting at all. Most cyclists are fairly aware of the benefits of a good fit too. What a number of people aren't aware of is that people who ride a lot truly should get a fitting once a year. Our level of fitness changes, our weight fluctuates, we get older, what we do off the bikes changes as well. All of these factors can change your fit, your position, on a bicycle.

What we mean by "your level of fitness" refers more to volume (miles ridden and more frequent rides) than it does to actual cardiovascular performance. Your core strength is also considered here. If you are riding regularly and you are doing core work (like we all should), you'll be able to support yourself on a bike better. You'll likely be able to maintain efficiency in a more aggressive position. If on the other hand you have been riding less than normal and you've been on the couch eating cheese all winter, you are very likely to feel uncomfortable and you'll measurably less efficient on your bike than you do when your getting the miles in. It's important to be aware that you can maintain efficiency and reduce the risk of injury and discomfort by reviewing your fit relative to your volume on the bike.

Weight fluctuation is related to your level of fitness. How it affects your fit is pretty interesting. By losing weight, you have less weight to support in the riding position and most people will orient their pelvis differently on the saddle and maintain better alignment and posture. Pedal stroke can also change as a result. If you've lost a lot of weight because you are riding a lot and taking care of yourself, you should get a follow up. We've seen saddle height changes, saddle fore and aft adjustments and we've had a great number of clients realize that along with the obvious benefits of losing weight, they are also able to become more efficient and comfortable on the bike by refining their position accordingly. This can be quite inspiring and motivating, we all want the hills to be a bit easier right?

Getting older is a factor too. It very simply affects our level of fitness, flexibility, range of motion...everything. In short, it's a drag. As we age and our bodies change, our fit changes and it's very important to stay on top of our fit so that we can continue to enjoy riding long term. Our bodies require more time to recover from injury and are even more susceptible to injury in the first place. Keep an eye on yourself and you'll keep on riding well into your later years. We have clients well into their 70's that ride more miles a week than I do. It's inspiring. They've made good decisions as far as staying healthy.

What we do off the bike can make a huge difference in how we feel and perform on a bike. Work space ergonomics, stress level and other sports can all change your experience on a bike. As an example, if you were at a desk job for ten years and then switched to, let's say prep chef at a busy restaurant where you're over worked and on your feet all night. That's going to have an ergonomic affect. Your experience on your bike is likely going to change. The same goes for what your physical routine is. Golf, as I've recently learned, is about the worst sport ergonomically I've tried. Other sports have different affects on your body too. It's important to be aware of how these things are affecting you and how you feel on the bike.

We offer complimentary follow ups within a six month period and other follow up appointments are simply billed hourly at $85 per hour. They generally take an hour give or take. For those of you who have purchased a bike from us, complimentary follow ups are offered for one year from the date of purchase. If it's been a while, you seen some real changes physically or other changes, give us a call and keep yourself in check.

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