Thursday, January 12, 2012


We received our new size cycle from Retül this week! We've been eager to get this new size cycle set up since we have a new bigger space. We thought a little overview was in order. We wanted something that offered a real improvement over our older equipment. We wanted something that would help us improve what we do. One thing to know, it is still only a tool and it is only as good as it's user. I feel it's important to remember that in the world of bike fit. It does however, make a few things much easier. 

Adjustments are made on the fly now. We don't have to stop the rider to make changes to position. This is important for two reasons, one, it allows the rider to maintain a more natural rhythm during the fitting. Second, it saves time which allows us to spend more time on other very important aspects of a thorough, accurate fitting such as the physical evaluation and interview process. Essentially, we can do more for our clients and our clients can ride more naturally and have a more comfortable experience.

The other thing we looked at was overall construction and ease of maintenance. That's one thing about the Muve that we really like. It's very well put together with high quality materials and hardware. It's everyday use is almost tool free. We wanted something tat had the least potential for breaking down, there's not much that can go wrong with this, there are no electric motors here. Everything is analog so to speak. There is also nothing on this thing we can't fix right here in the shop. That is very important when looking into the long term usability.

Ride feel is really good, there's no wobbly bits and everything feels very solid. We put a Computrainer unit on ours instead of the cyclops option because the Computrainer just has better data for our purposes and it has a better resistance unit. It's runs very quiet as well and that was another thing we were picky about.

Moving forward with this new machine, our clients will get a more comprehensive fitting. Since Retul makes both our motion capture system and our size cycle, there is better integration between the two and data collection is easier and faster. We're pretty excited to see how everything evolves together. Our good friend and master wood working genius Earl from EVG Design build us a new platform for it too.

Last but not least, it's really cool. If you love gadgets, technology, quality and craftsmanship as much as we do, you should come check it out.

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